Ruthless Merchants - The rowdy marketplace full of ruthless encounters

Ruthless Merchants

The rowdy marketplace full of ruthless encounters

A ferociously fun spin on the pick up and delivery genre.

3-6 Players | 60 Minutes

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Ruthless Merchants is a marketplace full of cunning and unruly characters. The goal of the game is simple: collect coins. But, why is it a “ruthless” marketplace, you ask? Many actions have devious intentions.

In this tabletop game, you will choose one of the six ruthless characters to compete against your fellow merchants. Collect your coins peacefully or come out with punches blazing! But, watch out for other merchants--they can knock the coins right out of your pockets. Is all the action starting to make you dizzy? Lay down, take a nap and you’ll feel good as new in no time!

This family-friendly game is designed for 3-6 players and takes approximately one hour to play. It always brings out the feistiness in people!

A ferociously fun spin on the pick up and deliver genre. Easy to learn and quick to play, you will enjoy bluffing your friends and family while attempting to deliver your hard earned goods. Good luck trying to dodge their punches and thrown rocks! If you don't mind a little bit of conflict at your table, you should check this game out! Ben Strouse (ArtemisX on BGG)